ERDIL's client: HomeServe (Logo)


Start of the collaboration: 2015
Departments involved: Marketing Studies and Competitive Watch
Languages included: French

Formerly known as Domeo, HomeServe (France) is a company specialising in home services such as material repairs, plumbing or home assistance.

Why set up an automatic customer feedback semantic analysis solution at HomeServe?

We had been using a satisfaction survey for several years already. Our survey underwent significant simplification and evolved as to place greater focus on feedback gathering.

At first, we used to analyse this huge amount of data manually, but we soon realised that we would require an automatic analysis solution.

Why did you choose ERDIL for HomeServe’s feedback analysis?

Our first intention was to do speech-analytics. Benchmarking of the available solutions nevertheless brought us to the conclusion that text analysis was much more reliable. Since we were already performing e-mail and (transcripted) phone surveys, we opted for text mining.

We then chose ERDIL for several reasons, including:

  •  ERDIL provides its clients with a dedicated team of linguistics experts responsible with the design as well as the constant improvement of grammar rules, which allow for the understanding of customer feedback
  • The analysis is not based on a keywords library but rather on the actual understanding of the Voice of the Customer
  • The team is reactive and available
  • The output platform Esatis is regularly updated and allows the extraction of relevant insights and in turn enables the making of recommendations

The performance provided by ERDIL’s semantic analysis had us quickly convinced!

What are the ROIs gained by HomeServe when it comes to customer listening and the use of automatic feedback analysis?

At HomeServe, customer listening has nowadays strong leverage on customer satisfaction. We make use of different systems, and among them, most notably, automatic feedback analysis powered by ERDIL. Found below are some examples of ROIs we were able to experience:

  1. Global overview of all customer feedback through ERDIL’s output interface Esatis.
  2. Identification of our customers’ main expectations and more efficient targeting of which actions are to be taken.
  3. Assurance of continuous improvement by calling back unsatisfied customers (whose score was below 5). We were able to come in contact with customers who hadn’t received standard quality of service and plan new interventions if necessary. This has helped us to retain some customers.
  4. Negative feedback collected through our CSAT surveys has led us to set up bimonthly “quality meetings”, whose aim are to provide global overview of this negative feedback, and most notably:
    • Analyse what has happened
    • Understand why customers have sent such feedback
    • Discuss the whole customer experience with HomeServe employees coming from different departments. This discussion allows another point of view which is not only focused on processes, but rather simulates customer perception, the goal being analysing what went wrong with the customers’ experience and how to avoid it in the future.
  5. Use of a message sample in order to underline quantitative results such as statistic data, increasing or decreasing KPIs. Illustrating such results with verbatim provides high value-add. There is a strong support from HomeServe senior management for customer feedback, as well as growing awareness that problems expressed by customers within verbatim are never trivial. Verbatim prove as a matter of fact a great team managing tool, as customer feedback assert each and everyone’s role in customer satisfaction.

Can you provide some improvements related to the actions that were set up following customer feedback analysis?

A very concrete example: verbatim analysis allowed us to discover a bug within our e-mails which had had a high impact on customer satisfaction. Without the insights provided by customer feedback analysis, we would not have been able to detect it.

Quantitative indicators (KPIs) tracking several parameters were used, but we were unable to clearly determine what was wrong. Feedback analysis has allowed us to identify these issues more clearly. It has also provided us the opportunity for quicker action alongside our teams and to support them in order to have interventions carried out on an even shorter notice.

How to use verbatim with the teams?

Sharing positive feedback really motivates our employees! We extract a concept sample which we want to promote in order to acknowledge, for example, undertaken efforts or implemented actions. This is a very important point we appreciate getting teams accustomed with.

Are analysis results visible for the employees working within the company’s various departments?

Esatis allows each user to display and exploit analysis results in an autonomous manner, thus removing the need to ask our information management teams for reports. It also allows for other departments (ie unrelated to the Voice of the Customer management) to act in the same autonomous manner.

How did verbatim analysis enable to monitor pandemic-related issues, sanitary and personal protective measures?

As the pandemic went on and our service providers met our clients directly at their home, it was important to ensure that safety was assured for both parties. Both the analysis and the “health security” category, the latter proactively implemented by ERDIL as early as during the first months of the pandemic, were of great assistance, as it allowed us to detect verbatim expressing dissastisfaction about the lack of protection or, on the contrary, commendable health protective behaviours.

Be they negative or positive, detected COVID-related concepts helped us a lot when it came to issuing reminders and providing training to involved providers or when giving out complementary information as to ensure health safety for all.

A verbatim that you’ve found unusual or which has left an impression on you?

Unusual wouldn’t be fitting, but some messages bring us even closer to our customers:

Vous pouvez aussi modifier le Mademoiselle par Madame. Comme avec mon époux nous allons fêter nos 50 ans de mariage dans 5 mois, je ne vous en tiendrai pas rigueur.

(Translation: As we are going to celebrate our 50 years wedding anniversary in five months, you may replace “Miss” by “Madam”, I won’t hold it against you.)