Our Engagement

Notre engagement RSE (Illustration)

The President’s editorial

When I created ERDIL in 2007, I was already convinced that CSR issues would be key to the success and sustainability of a company. This belief naturally played its role within the company although initially nothing was formalised. As the company developed and grew, we were able to start implementing a clearer and more structured CSR policy.

These values are reflected in our code of ethics, approved and signed by all ERDIL employees.

Engagement at the heart of ERDIL’s activity

From the very beginning, we have always been committed to all our stakeholders. Our engagement is embodied not only by our attention to CSR issues but also in our activity itself. Through feedback analysis, we help brands to pay attention to the Voice of the Customer and Employee in order to continually improve these relations.

How can ERDIL support your stakeholder engagement?

ERDIL’s CSR policy

In 2021, ERDIL created a CSR team to formalise the approach taken for years, and to ensure the ongoing sustainability of actions in this field.

CSR engagement: Non financial indicators (Icon)

We measure various non-financial indicators and publicly communicate these key figures in an infographic.

United Nations Global Compact (Logo)

ERDIL is a member of United Nations Global Compact since 2019. Each year, we publish a Communication On Progress (COP) summarising the actions taken concerning the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the Global Compact.

2024 EcoVadis Silver Medal (Image)

ERDIL has been the recipient of the EcoVadis silver medal since 2024. This prize rewards ERDIL’s CSR commitment with regard to its environmental, ethical, social as well as human rights policies.

Donations and sponsoring

Since 2020, ERDIL allocates a minimum of 1% of the year’s earnings before tax to organisations and initiatives whose values we share and we like to support.

CSR engagement: Donations and sponsoring (Icon)