ERDIL's client: Malakoff Humanis (Logo)

Malakoff Humanis

Start of the collaboration: 2015
Departments involved: Customer Service, Quality
Languages included: French

The result of several successive mergers, Malakoff Humanis is one of the most prominent French social welfare groups, specialising in health, pension fund, supplementary pension and saving schemes.

What triggered the customer listening program at Malakoff Humanis?

Customer satisfaction is among the priority issues for the company. It’s a strategy supported by senior management and steered by the Customer Relationship management team. They have taken the initiative to set up customer listening and Voice of the Customer solutions to achieve operational and strategic improvements. This implied paying more attention to the customers’ actual demands.

One specific step of the customer journey was at first prioritised: aftersales. The system is now being extended and is on its way to global adoption. “The solution originally leaned upon company strategy; now our strategy is based upon the solution.” Satisfaction indicators have been integrated among the company’s key indicators used for steering the company.

What criteria have guided the choice of the technical device?

Different criteria led to the company choosing this solution. Both its usability and ability to generate customisable and hyper-modular dashboards were important criteria. Important as well were the ability to survey customers in various channels and the increase of team efficiency with the help of specific operational features. Yet the most important element may just be the ability to share in real time reports with all employees, ranging from the C.E.O. to the customer advisor in the field.

All collaborators have, at any time, access to the Voice of the Customer, making this solution a powerful management tool, an actual lever for the transformation of this company.

What are the requirements for an efficient Feedback Management program?

There is no possible hesitation: strong will from top management is mandatory, as you need to know how to have all collaborators committed to the Voice of the Customer. Employees are the very first “customers” who need to be satisfied so that customer listening and the resulting actions prove relevant, effective and concrete.

How have the collected and enhanced data been operationally exploited within the company?

While assessing customer satisfaction is essential, operational exploitation of the data is no less mandatory when it comes to have all the company’s actors acquainted with the dynamics of customer experience. Meetings gathering operational staff are organised monthly, during which we take a look at:

  • dissatisfied customers, in order to target their irritants and how to avoid them in the future
  • satisfied customers as well, in order to identify which elements are appreciated and need to be further developed.

Satisfaction indicators are nowadays commonly used by senior management.

What insights have you already extracted with the help of verbatim analysis?

Verbatim allow for easier identification of irritants. The solution provided by ERDIL allows processing and assigning concepts to thousands of verbatim on a daily basis. Such process is indeed an industrial process, but it goes beyond that. ERDIL is one of the few players on the market to provide such a high level of expertise, in turn allowing to identify the most problematic aspect(s) for customers (waiting period, offer transparency, prices…) and to decide which actions are to be prioritised.

Noteworthy: taking positive verbatim into consideration is no less important, as it allows to get the teams motivated and invested. To increase analysis relevance, ERDIL has created the new scoring system L.I.S. (Loyalty Impact Score), which allows the identification of elements that impact customer satisfaction or recommendation the most. As a matter of fact, a concept’s high detection rate is not necessarily correlated with a higher dissatisfaction factor.

Prices, for instance, are a recurring dissatisfaction factor in verbatim, as most people tend to think services are too highly priced; nevertheless, the associated grades may remain on the grade scale’s upper end. On the contrary, other, less frequent aspects such as processing time, may systematically be associated to low scores. They are consequently detected as irritants and are therefore deemed priority areas.

Implementing a customer satisfaction strategy allows the identification, with the help of customer feedback, of the levers that are to be pulled in order to improve service quality, productivity, market shares… The aim is to direct efforts more efficiently to ensure that the invested resources are used wisely.

The solution’s wider deployment requires a highly qualitative customer satisfaction service which can managed at every level of the company. It is an issue that simultaneously draws on technical, cultural and managerial aspects… All of the company’s departments have to be committed to the Voice of the Customer.