ERDIL's client: Renault (Logo)


Start of the collaboration: 2016
Departments involved: Customer & Network - Sales & Marketing Division, Voice of Customer, Customer Experience Europe
Languages included: French

Renault is one of the historical French car manufacturers. After allying with Nissan and Mistubishi in 2017, Renault became one of the world’s main car manufacturers. ERDIL analyses customer verbatim for both the Renault and Dacia brands.

How does Voice of the Customer management work at Renault?

Semantic analysis is an additional tool to help and to facilitate the understanding and exploitation of customer verbatim. I think that nowadays, customer satisfaction assessment through the single lens of KPIs no longer proves sufficient to identify customer demands and to consequently implement the priority measures which are required to ensure customer satisfaction as well as to simplify the customer journey.

What changes have you observed since you have started using ERDIL’s semantic analysis solution?

One of the greatest challenges was to demonstrate how a dealership could increase customer satisfaction with the help of a semantic analysis solution. We did a proof of concept with one of our dealerships, which provided evidence that taking customer verbatim into consideration and implementing relevant follow-up measures was directly linked to the increase of the customer satisfaction KPI.

Can you provide some concrete examples of insights, key figures or ROIs gained with the help of Renault customer feedback analysis?

We are currently working on a monthly reporting directed at our dealerships. Dealerships would receive the 5 most positive verbatim along with the 5 most negative ones, putting dealerships in a better position to determine which are the priority actions needing implementation in order to increase customer satisfaction.

We make extensive use of the Loyalty Impact Score (L.I.S.), which has allowed us to launch three major actions within our dealership network. We provide business experts with indicators such as the percentage of positive and negative messages, which are complemented with qualitative elements, ie verbatim, in order to illustrate these figures and to shed light upon the Voice of the Customer.

A verbatim that you found unsual or that marked you?

I noticed an increase of the word “champagne”, I took a look at it and I saw customers were referring to a gift following the purchase of their new car. They shared their own experience and talked about the different gifts they received and now some of them regret they didn’t get the champagne bottle at the delivery.