2016 Stratégie Clients salon

Thanks to 2016, to the Stratégie Clients salon and to the Customer Experience professionals


from 12 to 14 April


Paris – Porte de Versailles

Stand L24 – M23

Yes, thanks for the pleasure we had during these Stratégie Clients salon meetings. Some of these as traditional as they were cheerful, some others new and exciting. As a matter of fact, we even ran out of time to be present at all the conferences which we wanted to attend!

Maybe you were among those attending the meeting we organised with the Echangeur By BNP Paribas PF? It was our pleasure to have Christine Peyraud-Magnin shed light upon the new and future uses allowed by automatic conversations using NLP, as well as tools dedicated to action prioritisation following Voice of the Customer analysis… Our very special thanks naturally go to Christine!

During these three days, we all felt a common feeling of happiness hovering above our stand and we couldn’t notice time flying by as we were the delighted hosts of caring and passionate visitors.

To all our long-standing and future partners working in CRM, consulting or analysing jobs, making use of surveys, telephone contact, chat, social listening: we are more than ever aware that our market depends on the synergies which we will all be managing to provide.

Whether you have been a client just for a couple of days or since forever, or will be in the (very near) future, your curiosity is amazing! Customer service (and thus Customer listening) has fully embraced its potential and as such dares to display a certain boldness, reinforced by the domain’s very sensibility. Progress made in terms of Customer Experience will be remarkable… Why? Because you want to LISTEN and… you want to BE HEARD. 🙂

And thus we wear the smile which often comes alongside the promise of good times ahead as well as good business!

This year’s next valuable Customer Relationship moment will be our 10th May Panel Discussion about Verbatim in action.